Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Stupid People

There are some questions that frequently surface in my mind: How does society define a person who is successful? Is a person who is an alumnus of reputed institutions,having a bank-balance that is bound to grow with time and can make the society gawk at him successful.
I prefer to differ.
I have seen persons getting tense always by observing achievers ,wanting to excel and messing up their peace by chasing a goal that was probably not meant to be theirs. This pursuit of excellence can only give him endless misery.According to my definition,I think that a real successful person is satisfied with his efforts,his input and finally the outcome,whatever it is.A person who doesn't use the outcome of another person's performance as a gauge to measure himself is the most satisfied and successful according to me.He does not spend his life cursing himself and knows that he has done what he would have in any case.
He's a person who may not want to conquer the world but conquer as much peace so as to satisfy himself. Personally,I want to be him.I don't want everything.I know that i will be successful that day when i put a good effort towards a goal and am satisfied with the input,not the output.I want to chase my dreams,not somebody else's.I look forward to that day.
I look forward to that day when I will be able to dreams like the once i used to have.

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